Wednesday, 24 September 2014

LIC’s New Plan New Jeevan Nidhi (Table No. 818)

LIC’s New Plan New Jeevan Nidhi (Table No. 818) implemented.
INTRODUCTION: It has been decided to introduce LIC’s New Jeevan Nidhi (Table No. 818) with effect
from 27th January, 2014. The Unique Identification Number (UIN) for LIC’s New Jeevan Nidhi Plan is -
512B209V01. This number has to be quoted in all relevant documents furnished to the Policyholders
and other users (public, distribution channels).
a) Death Benefit:
Death during first five policy years: Provided the policy is in full force, Basic Sum Assured along with
accrued Guaranteed Addition shall be paid as lump sum or in the form of an annuity or partly in lump
sum and balance in the form of an annuity to the nominee/legal heir at the then Prevailing immediate
annuity rates.
Death after first five policy years: Provided the policy is in full force, Basic Sum Assured along with
accrued Guaranteed Addition, vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses and Final Additional Bonus, if any,
shall be paid as lump sum or in the form of an annuity or partly in lump sum and balance in the form of
an annuity to the nominee/legal heir at the then prevailing immediate annuity rates.
(b) Participation in profits:
The policy shall participate in profits from the 6th policy year onwards tll the end of the Deferment
period and at such rates as may be declared by the Corporation provide the policy is kept in force for
full Sum Assured.
Final Addition Bonus, if any, may also be declared under the policy depending upon the experience of
the Corporation and shall be payable either on vesting or on earlier death provided the policy has run
for certain minimum term.
(b) Optional Benefit:
LIC’s Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider LICs Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider is
available as an optional rider by payment of additional premium. In case of accidental death, the
Accident Benefit Sum Assured will be payable as lumpsum along with the death benefit under the basic
plan. In case of accidental permanent disability arising due to accident (within 180 days from the date
of accident), an amount equal to the Accident Benefit Sum
Assured will be paid in equal monthly installments spread over 10 years and future premiums for
Accident Benefit Sum Assured as well as premiums for the portion of Basic Sum Assured which is
Insure And Be Secure equal to Accident Benefit Sum Assured under the policy, shall be waived.
1) Minimum Age at entry for Life Assured : 20 years (completed)
2) Maximum Age at entry for Life Assured : 60 years (nearest birthday) under single premium.
: 58 years (nearest birthday) under Regular premium
3) Minimum Age at Vesting : 55 years (nearest birthday)
4) Maximum Age at Vesting : 65 years (nearest birthday)
5) Minimum Deferment Period : 5 years under Single premium
: 7 years under Regular premium
6) Maximum Deferment Period : 35 years

13) Minimum Basic Sum Assured : Rs. 150000
under single premium
14) Minimum Basic Sum Assured : Rs. 100000 under
Regular premium
9) Maximum Basic Sum Assured : No Limit
The Basic Sum Assured shall be in multiples of Rs. 5000/-
Mode of payment Yearly, Half Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly[ECS or through salary Savings Scheme],
Single premium only.

For Any Clarification or More Information Regarding the Plan/ Investment, Please Call to us: +91 9885126368, and +91 9246826368, or Write to us through the ‘E-mail Us’:-,

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