Wednesday, 24 September 2014

LIC’s New plan JEEVAN SUGAM table no. 813

LIC’s New plan JEEVAN SUGAM table no. 813 implemented: -
LIC’s Jeevan Sugam is a close ended non-linked single premium par plan which provides for high level of
death cover during the policy term and a Maturity Sum Assured along with Loyalty Addition, if any.
a) Death Benefit:

On death during first five policy years:
Basic Sum assured i.e. 10 times the single premium excluding any extra premium charged is payable.
On death after completion of five policy years:
Basic Sum assured i.e. 10 times the single premium excluding any extra premium charged along with loyalty
addition, if any, is payable.
b) Maturity Benefit:
On the life assured surviving to the maturity date, Maturity Sum Assured along with Loyalty Addition, if any,
is payable.
c) Loyalty Addition:
Depending upon the Corporation’s experience with regard to policies issued under this plan, the policy will
be eligible for Loyalty Addition. The Loyalty Addition, if any, is payable on death after completion of five
policy years, on surrender during the last policy year and on maturity, at such rate and on such terms as
may be declared by the Corporation.
A) Minimum Entry Age: [8] Last birthday
B) Maximum Entry Age: [45] Nearest birthday
C) Policy Term: [10] Years
D) Maximum Maturity Age: [60] Years nearest birthday
E) Mode of premium payment: Single premium
F) Minimum Maturity Sum Assured: Rs.60000/-
G) Maximum Maturity Sum Assured: No Limit
Maturity Sum Assured shall be in multiple of Rs. 5000/-
Age at entry of the Policyholder is to be taken as age nearest birthday except for the minimum age at entry

1) Client Index: - New Filter Select CRM Groups is added.
2) Loan Transaction History: - New Form Loan Transaction History is added under the Loan
Related Reports menu. Use this report to view all the historical transactions of loan for a given date range.

New Magic Plan –FOREVER INCOME for Financial Year 2012-13 Implemented -
Combination of 12 Jeevan Tarang policies, with an advance presentation using the S.B. feature of 5.5% as
monthly income after term end. In this magic plan each policy will be commenced in every month
1) LIC’s New plan FLEXI PLUS table no. 811 implemented: -
LIC’s Flexi Plus is a unit linked assurance plan, which not only provides a lump sum benefit on death but
also the maturity benefit irrespective of the survival of the Policyholder. The policyholder can choose the

amount of premium he/she desires to pay, depending on which policyholder will get the equivalent level
of cover.
Benefits payable on death:
In case of death of the Life Assured within the policy term, when the cover is in full force, payment of all
future premiums due under the policy are not required to be paid and:
• Immediate lump sum payment equal to Sum Assured shall be paid to the nominee /legal heir.
• An amount equal to sum of all future premiums payable after the date of death shall be credited to
the Policyholder’s Fund. The units shall be allocated at the NAV applicable for the fund type opted for
under the policy as at the date of booking of liability death. The liability shall be booked after receipt of
intimation along with death certificate. On maturity date, units available in the Policyholder’s Fund will be
multiplied by the NAV as on that date and the total fund value will be given to the nominee/legal heir.
b) Benefits payable on maturity:
On Life Assured surviving the date of maturity, an amount equal to the Policyholder’s Fund
Value is payable.
a) Sum Assured:
(10* annualized premium) or (105% of the total premiums paid including any premiums which have fallen
due but not paid), whichever is higher.
b) Minimum Premium:
Mode Amount
Yearly Rs. [15,000]
Half-Yearly Rs. [10,000]
Quarterly Rs. [5,000]
Monthly (ECS) Rs. [2,000]
c) Maximum Premium:
Mode Amount
Yearly Rs. [100,000]
Half-Yearly Rs. [50,000]
Quarterly Rs. [25,000]
Monthly (ECS) Rs. [8,000]
Annualized Premiums shall be payable in multiple of Rs. 1,000 for all modes other than ECS monthly. For
monthly (ECS), the premium shall be in multiples of Rs. 250/-(in years)
d) Minimum Entry Age: [18] last birthday
e) Maximum Entry Age: [50] nearest birthday
f) Policy Term: [10 to 20] years
g) Maximum Maturity Age: [60] years nearest birthday
Age at entry for the policyholder is to be taken as age nearest birthday except for the Minimum age at
entry i.e. 18 years.

For Any Clarification or More Information Regarding the Plan/ Investment, Please Call to us: +91 9885126368, and +91 9246826368, or Write to us through the ‘E-mail Us’:-,

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